The cmdty yearbook. 2024.
Statistisches Jahrbuch Thüringen. 2024
Courts and diversity : twenty years of the constitutional court of Indonesia
Selected cases from the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China. Volume 4
Trial by numbers : a lawyer's guide to statistical evidence
Supermajority voting in constitutional courts : the problem of majority rule for democracy and legislation
Investor-state dispute settlement and international investment agreements : the case of the Gulf Cooperation Council member states
Foreign-related commercial disputes resolution in China : principles and practices
China's professional employer association law : legal protection for labor relations coordination
Gesetz betreffend die Gesellschaften mit beschränkter Haftung (GMBHG) : Großkommentar. Band 3/2, §§ 78-88 GmbH; Anh. §§ 266, 283-283d StGB