Records Management

Collection of Records

Transferred records

Many different types of records including documents, audio/visual records, publications, and documentary art records produced or received by the National Assembly offices under Article 10 of the National Assembly Record Management Rules are transferred.

Collected records

Records of legislative activities including records about National Assembly members, political parties, etc. via donation or entrustment are collected.

How to donate records

  • Donated by

    Former/Incumbent National Assembly members, political party officials, locals, and foreign nationals.

  • Records to be donated

    All types of documents (audio/visual materials, documentary art records) produced/received concerning legislative activities.

  • How to donate
    National Assembly Archives Website → Introduction of the National Assembly Archives → How to donate records

Inquiries 02-6788-3320

Records Preservation

Production of records preservation media

To preserve the records safely and prevent the loss of the original records, the preserved minutes with semi-permanent preservation period, and the filings of parliamentary inspections and investigations and confirmation hearings are digitized and converted into microfilms.

Records preservation treatment

Filings are classified by medium and by type, and preserved in the Preservation Stack, Documentary Art Records Stack, Audio-Visual Records Stack, and Temporary Records Stack. Filings subjected to acidification treatment are deoxidized, disinfected, and boxed.

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